Friday, April 26, 2013

Girls Night OUT aka MNO!! And my A.D.D. was in it's full steam a head place! LOL

Well it was not wild and crazy or anything at all!  Just three of us and it was nice really!  

But to say me with my A.D.D. that I decided this week I am just going to stop trying to hind from.  And WOW I will say it is crazy how I feel over all to I feel so much better about my self, energy is coming back and just a feeling of happiness and glad to be alive even if something hurts me(like I fell on the sidewalk yesterday after walking my kids to school and skinned my feet in a small place but not bad) or if something bad happiest to me it is not the end of the world it was to be for me before.   But Over all I am more all of the place and back and forth on a lot of things doing them at the same time.  The odd things is I am getting them 89% to 96% done the greatest part of the time and it is not stressing as it done when I listen to my non-A.D.D.'ed brained husband(I don't mean it in a bad way but when you did not have something you don't full get it really and that is ok to me I just have to remember to tell him more ok thank you dear but that way just does not work for me and move on and let it go lol) and just do one task at a time and work until it is done.  Well for me it is like being in jail to do one thing.  I find my brain runs better and "faster" if it is all ways "moving" on more that one thing I am finding it is less stress and I feel better doing this too.   But husband dear who I love so much he just does not work this way and or(not sure) just can't understand how I can.  But in the time where I seem to have issue and "I can't get it all together" and all the things don't get done like they are right now.  He is right at the time and helps for a short time and I just stay in the place and drive my self nuts and don't get back to my way of doing things that helps me work better as me.   But this is my hardship in life to work off for my self to remember to work on staying in my own best normal place!!  And being good with that and knowing some times good enough is good enough and to let things go.  Oh and my mind slowing down is a bad thing lol I say this because that is when I "over think" the stupidest things too and feel like shit and sad a lot.  

Back to MNO topic lol.  Well the three of us had dinner and it was good food and good time too.   This was I just let my self be my self that  I am in my head out loud and not hind it like I have been.  But I can't help but feel a little like I hope I did not drive them nuts, or put my feet in my own mouth, or upset someone or something like that.  I did have two alcohol drinks and I did not drink much because my mind and tummy could not "do" DRUNK(or out things that slow your mind if you have to much of them) I just end up making my self sick until it is out of my system or it stops impaired me at the least.  So it is no more that two for me at one time and I don't drink very often because for me and that way I am I am more of a coffee person you know.  But all in all I think the night was good anyway.   The other two awesome ladies one to the mother of kid or kids with autism and the other friend that has depression that she is doing well treating right now with work out and diet and seems to be working well for her too(so happy for her too).   So with that say I think things where good it is still hard for me to read people on how they really feel about the things A.D.D. causes in times like that lol..    

On to a topic that do come up last night that I feel I need to add to this post too.   

GMO foods and what we all see happening in people over all!   If you look around at health of people over all..   I am realizing this think about it too.  There is I crazy high % of autism, A.D.D., depression, food birth allergies and things that where in around before they made it ok to feed us the GMO foods with eat..  And % of the food on the shelfs is GMO is some way too if did not know that.   It is hard to be health when your food is causing you DNA to have problems and you my not see it in your self but it is or could be seen in your kids and there kids and so on.    Crazy right!!!   

Hybrids-Genetically Crossing Humans and Animals! 
This is what is posted under the video

Pandora's Box has surely been opened. A dangerous genetic experiment has come out of the shadows, and the human-animal hybrids, chimeras and other transgenic clones it has yielded now threaten to endanger and irrevocably alter life as we know it.

The controllers of elite-funded science and R&D have wantonly tampered with the genetic code of the planet, ignoring the rather obvious dangers posed by cross-species experimentation and flagrantly jeopardizing the earth's delicately-balanced biodiversity.

In a special video, Alex Jones addresses the profound risks posed by genetically-modified hybrids now featuring prominently in the field of biotechnology.
Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones July 27, 2011

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Over all it is "food for thought" think about it and work out what you believe and do your own research too please! 

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