Friday, November 16, 2012



Good coffee may start with quality beans and the perfect roast!  This company is one that cares about there people and that the quality beans are Fair Trade as well.  What could be better than that right!  

Why on top of that they roast there quality fair trade beans just right.  It is truly an art what they do in my mind.  

They carefully sourcing the perfect bean and it is just the start. The perfect cup reflects thoughtful consideration of each bean's character, and how different beans can be combined to strike just the right balance of flavor, body and acidity.
And of course, a great cup of coffee should be an everyday occurrence. Once we hit upon the magic combination of roast and recipe, our state-of-the-art software and roasting equipment allows us to replicate a roast profile precisely, time after time. The results can be revelatory.

There is a Science to Roasting
in the bean's long journey from tree to cup, to the roasting process is the juncture where it changes direction most dramatically.
Using patience, knowledge and fire, our master roasters have tremendous influence in coaxing out each bean's true character and highlighting its greatest contribution to the cup.
Depending on the coffee's profile, we'll bring the beans to an optimal temperature for a precise amount of time until they reach the perfect shade of brown. The design of our roasting equipment allows us more flexibility and control than most other roasters, enabling us to create a consistently excellent cup of coffee.

There Roast Master
Mike Parker watches as a stir bar gently swishes through a batch of just-roasted coffee. The bar goes around and around, cooling the beans and sending up a wave of aroma with each pass. He dips a sample cup into the pile and pulls up a smattering of still-warm beans.
He'll use a photo-spectrometer to make sure these beans have been roasted to the perfect shade of deep brown necessary for Organic Espresso Blend ... but he already knows they have. Like all our Roast Masters, Mike has developed an almost intuitive ability to know when each coffee has reached its perfection.

They do all of this for you and me so you can get the better cup of coffee you can.  I you can enjoy the fact of knowing it is a quality as well as a fair trade bean.  
It is a Great Coffee. With Good Vibes. As PLESE Pass It On.

I got the chance to try this coffee with bzzagent and loved! But to tell you all the truth I did love it but I do drink and love more a locally roasted Fair Trade coffee here in Charleston.  Mostly because I like to buy Local where I can and the things are worth it if you know what I mean!   But if something happens I know what brand I way be changing over too.  :)  GREEN MOUNTAIN COFFEE!!!


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