Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My birthday 04/29/13

I turned 31 and unlike most ladies who have age issues I do not!  Age is but a number and I am proud of mine I earned every minute of it and would not dare hind it ether.  In my mind if it bothers a person I meet or in my life that can take a long walk off a short cliff I don't need that crap in my life.  Life is short and I am A.D.D. as it is lol!   

With this said I move on to the next thought here!  My Amazing Husband took the day off work to spend the day with me!  He asked me what would like to do...  I told him days ago go to the beach but sadly Charleston SC weather being what it is it rained 3 times by 7:30am....  I sat for a minute and my mind  goes blank as empty box and nothing comes to mind.  Hubby tells me it is my day and he want to spend it doing things doing think I want to and not he taking over and me ending up feeling like I did not get to do what I real wanted to..  I tell him way I am drawing a blank here!!  Sorry my love...   He throws a idea or two.  I walk in to the bed room and look around and remember we live in Charleston SC lol if you did not like the weather wait a few minutes it will change or go a few minute in the away and it is different weather there lol!  Coastal weather is crazy I tell you!  It can be flooding one place and nothing 5 miles away.    So I think.... I will grab my swim suit, cover up and towel put it in a bag and walk in the living room and hubby said well how about we start with Breakfast some where we could not normally afford with the kiddo with us.  I said: I don't think about those places lol normally for the reason we could not normally afford with the kiddo lol so I am drawing a blank my dear.  I gets my a idea or two.... I am still thinking here too.   I said ok how about this I got my my swim suit, cover up and towel in a bag and go dress for going out for now and place on breakfast out.  I do that and pretty happy with that too.  He asked me have I thought about more(yes I am REALLY trying to here) yes but nothing is coming to mind here.  But we get in the car with the stuff for the beach anyway and start on the way...  He said Hominy Grill?  Like a light I remember friends have talked about how great they where and that I was told the shrimp and grits there was amazing and go if I ever can!  I look at him a told him OH my goodness YES please!!!!!

WOW it is the best thing I have every eaten too.  

After that we started out for the beach and because the sky looked like it cleared and look good and we get to the beach and yes it was beautiful the sand a bit odd looking and soaked from the hard of the morning but I changed and off the enjoy the beach with no kiddos(I have not gotten to this since I was a kid my self) hubby got out his metal detector  because of two reason he is not really a set on the beach  type like me and he just got a new one and I was happy with this too.  I did not take pic of this because I was try to be in the moment and this is so hard for me to do as well.  But I left everything but what I wanted to hold on too and keep up with on my own!  

Then after that it was about lunch time and we thought about it again.. WHAT TO EAT.. question  So we where off again!  :)   lol All in all it was great day and we did do a lot more things and it is and was at the best day of my life in a super long time and I need that!  I just live in the moment the rest of the day and love it all! I do truly have a great family that loves me whole heartedly!  I am lucky 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Random A.D.D. thought of 04/26/13 I am not!

I am not Broken!  There is nothing "wrong" with me!

Why me?

Why did God(what you believe in) do this to me?

I am Broken?

I Why am I a fuck up?

I could keep going on keeps I have thought about my self and I am 100,000,000,000,000 others have too. This happens to be things that are just in ones head I guess when you are in self pity type of place!

But just a now this comes to mind!




I AM LUCKY IN THE WAY MY MIND WORKS(for me I can see a ton of pierce setting there and see them going to thru and just know just to fix something it is all part of my mind working and going so "fast" as it does). 



I find this for me when I believed the opposite was true and I fight my A.D.D.  I am not a whole person  I don't live my life I just get thru it!  I still have a ton of work to do with my self to get to where I need to and want to by the way but I am working on it and if I fall down a long the way and need to start again I will and that is ok not the end of anything it is just a new road to try or a set back only.   I am also know I am luck in this fact my loved ones(husband and kids and mom and dad) are there to help me and with love, words, hugs and what I need if I remember to one ask and tell them I need it and that it is ok to do so by the way!  lol

Girls Night OUT aka MNO!! And my A.D.D. was in it's full steam a head place! LOL

Well it was not wild and crazy or anything at all!  Just three of us and it was nice really!  

But to say me with my A.D.D. that I decided this week I am just going to stop trying to hind from.  And WOW I will say it is crazy how I feel over all to I feel so much better about my self, energy is coming back and just a feeling of happiness and glad to be alive even if something hurts me(like I fell on the sidewalk yesterday after walking my kids to school and skinned my feet in a small place but not bad) or if something bad happiest to me it is not the end of the world it was to be for me before.   But Over all I am more all of the place and back and forth on a lot of things doing them at the same time.  The odd things is I am getting them 89% to 96% done the greatest part of the time and it is not stressing as it done when I listen to my non-A.D.D.'ed brained husband(I don't mean it in a bad way but when you did not have something you don't full get it really and that is ok to me I just have to remember to tell him more ok thank you dear but that way just does not work for me and move on and let it go lol) and just do one task at a time and work until it is done.  Well for me it is like being in jail to do one thing.  I find my brain runs better and "faster" if it is all ways "moving" on more that one thing I am finding it is less stress and I feel better doing this too.   But husband dear who I love so much he just does not work this way and or(not sure) just can't understand how I can.  But in the time where I seem to have issue and "I can't get it all together" and all the things don't get done like they are right now.  He is right at the time and helps for a short time and I just stay in the place and drive my self nuts and don't get back to my way of doing things that helps me work better as me.   But this is my hardship in life to work off for my self to remember to work on staying in my own best normal place!!  And being good with that and knowing some times good enough is good enough and to let things go.  Oh and my mind slowing down is a bad thing lol I say this because that is when I "over think" the stupidest things too and feel like shit and sad a lot.  

Back to MNO topic lol.  Well the three of us had dinner and it was good food and good time too.   This was I just let my self be my self that  I am in my head out loud and not hind it like I have been.  But I can't help but feel a little like I hope I did not drive them nuts, or put my feet in my own mouth, or upset someone or something like that.  I did have two alcohol drinks and I did not drink much because my mind and tummy could not "do" DRUNK(or out things that slow your mind if you have to much of them) I just end up making my self sick until it is out of my system or it stops impaired me at the least.  So it is no more that two for me at one time and I don't drink very often because for me and that way I am I am more of a coffee person you know.  But all in all I think the night was good anyway.   The other two awesome ladies one to the mother of kid or kids with autism and the other friend that has depression that she is doing well treating right now with work out and diet and seems to be working well for her too(so happy for her too).   So with that say I think things where good it is still hard for me to read people on how they really feel about the things A.D.D. causes in times like that lol..    

On to a topic that do come up last night that I feel I need to add to this post too.   

GMO foods and what we all see happening in people over all!   If you look around at health of people over all..   I am realizing this think about it too.  There is I crazy high % of autism, A.D.D., depression, food birth allergies and things that where in around before they made it ok to feed us the GMO foods with eat..  And % of the food on the shelfs is GMO is some way too if did not know that.   It is hard to be health when your food is causing you DNA to have problems and you my not see it in your self but it is or could be seen in your kids and there kids and so on.    Crazy right!!!   

Hybrids-Genetically Crossing Humans and Animals! 
This is what is posted under the video

Pandora's Box has surely been opened. A dangerous genetic experiment has come out of the shadows, and the human-animal hybrids, chimeras and other transgenic clones it has yielded now threaten to endanger and irrevocably alter life as we know it.

The controllers of elite-funded science and R&D have wantonly tampered with the genetic code of the planet, ignoring the rather obvious dangers posed by cross-species experimentation and flagrantly jeopardizing the earth's delicately-balanced biodiversity.

In a special video, Alex Jones addresses the profound risks posed by genetically-modified hybrids now featuring prominently in the field of biotechnology.
Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones Infowars.com July 27, 2011

http://www.Infowars.com http://www.prisonplanet.com

SIGN UP FOR A MEMBERSHIP (FULL ACCESS to all files and content on PrisonPlanet.tv) https://prisonplanet.tv/signup.html
The Light of the World,Movie(Full Length)

Over all it is "food for thought" think about it and work out what you believe and do your own research too please! 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Why can't I just be "normal" ? Today's Random A.D.D. thought lol 04/25/13

I feel this all the time and I am sure there is a lot of people like me who do as well...  

Why can't I just be "normal" ?


I just want to be "normal" and life would be so much better!  Right?

It just hit me the answer is "NO" you will never be "normal" and this is something you will have they whole life and so what any way...   And here is why I am OK with this as of right now!

This is the question that popped in to my head...  What is "normal" anyway really?  Stop and take a look around you at the quote un-quote "normal" people...  Me being a people watch like I am I realized this years ago and just put two and two together really....    The state of would people are these days sucks and a bit like sheep and all about me me me and what are you going to do for me and give ME.  And the other thing I realized to is that there is no real "normal" for anyone we all just act a way because we are told to that this is what you do and it is "normal" and or you grow up that way.   Tell me if you gave a new born that is Mexican and a family from china has them and they are raised like they would if the kiddo was chinese other that the way the person looked any would "grow up" as a chinese kid and think like that and chinese person and this is because they would be environmentally in all reality but yes by birth they would be of Mexican decent.  But thoughts, brain mapping and everything that comes with being raised chinese the kid would be chinese and of Mexican decent. Think about it...  And then think about what that means in the start of what I started talking about in the first place...

   "Normal", "normal", "normal", "normal" What is that?  Answer: It is a state of mind only!!  Your "normal" is your own "normal" and someone else's is there "normal" no two are a like we just try and pretend there is one type of "normal" and that is what is wrong with the USA in my mind anyway!  But   as just popped to mind like in the movie The Matrex and I found the quote here:

Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth. 

Neo: What truth? 

Spoon boy: There is no spoon.

Neo: There is no spoon?

Spoon boy: Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself. 

I take that in this case when you realize this that "normal" is a state of mind and on two are a like and you have to work thru and find your only "normal" and it will change as you do and that is OK and fine too.  There is nothing wrong with you at all.  The problem is with the stupid sheep out there that don't take the time to be understanding or take the time to think pass the front side of there forehead(lol see is you get that one lol).   All in all "There is nothing wrong with you at all." you just need to work thru and learn to manage your A.D.D. issues and symptoms the way that works best for you!  There is no one size fits all in life for anything you will and may have to "kiss a lot of frogs" to find your path to your state of "normal" and happens in life!  

Well it is food for thought anyway I think!  

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Random A.D.D. thought popped it my head! :P

When my mom stopped the A.D.D. meds(end of 6th grade) and then about the time school got really hard around 7th, 8th or 9th (can't really reminder right now clearly) I started drinking coffee and smoking and my symptoms where not as bad and really caused problems for me.   I stopped smoking with the birth of my youngest kid 6 years ago and they started slow coming back and I felt just crazy and I am just now realized what really is going on here again because I had a very long time of a longer  % and amount of relief from them.    And video I watch yesterday talked about nicotine was showing signs and be studied for help and relief of the issue of A.D.D... I would say please don't go start smoking that is bad I am glad I stopped and fight to stay that way too even after 6years and 4 months( if I put the through in to it I could tell the day too).    

I am just started form now to help my self thru this as use non medical way of treating it.  And we will see what happens I may end up under doctors care to shut up my husband that is a really physical problem and not me asking this to "take the easy way out of" what ever the hell he thinks it is I am take the easy way out of.

Tanya Starr Wood

04/24/13 Random A.D.D. thought/issue of the day and night before?!

Why is it when I want to say something to my husband and I have it right in my head and the way I want to say things the way it "should be" said it comes out all wrong and and we end up fighting over something and we end up in left field somewhere and I have said nothing close to what I started out to said....  And end up more frustrated that when I started and just end up feeling like why do I bother even "trying" in the first place.  

My husband is not A.D.D. and even as amazing is his is to me and how much he loves and helps me over all.  He drives me up the wall just as much too.

He just does not get it and just "thinks" he know where I am going with something and when I stop for a minute to get my thoughts together(I forget to state wait I am getting my thoughts together mind you) he thinks I am going some where I am not and I just stop what I am really thinking and lose it on him and the "crazy girl" side of my brain takes over.  I end up crying and mad and the one that is wrong with everything.  So I just end up more up set that before and choke down things because it is "time to move on" and go to bed and something else like that.  All in all I am in a state of feeling crazy, stupid, and why do I bother at all most of the time.  Then when I stop trying to talk to him and just do what I have to to just get thru the day so I can do it all again the next day to get thru and repeat and so on.  He thinks there is something wrong with me like I am sick, I am crazy, once he even told me he thought I was going in the early menopause(WTF!! Right? I was 29 at the time really are you kidding), that I need to see if something is really wrong with me...  Well there is it is call him and the way we end up trying to talk about things and I end up feeling wrong all the time because I can't get it together and get my thoughts out clearly the way I want to need to and because my mind moves one differently and slower on somethings I also end up getting told I am "not letting things go and I am keeping on" so again I am the one in the wrong again...   and the whole time in my head I am screaming and "yelling stop this" this is not where I want to go with this and I will say it to him and I am the one that just wants to fight and start shit just before bed because I can't go to bed or something like that I can't place word for word right now but I am sure you get it.....  I then I say again "No this is not where I want to go with this at all" and he just looks at me like I have three heads or less crazy looking times like he just does not get it it or believe me....

So that cause more issues for me and I have times and days like today! I end up feeling like a very shitty person after a fight I do not or did not want or even mean to start and ended up not getting my quick little "what do you think" thought out at all and just feel like what is the point in even trying.  I am a sucky person who is so worthless, useless, A big waste of space on this earth, and end up feeling self hate and then I can tell you I will keep doing somethings that just have to get done in my life like cooking, cleaning, my amazing kids and other day to day things a mom does and try to "just be happy" and what ends up happening is that  "just be happy" really ends up I check out from all of the world outside of the things that just get me thru the day to get thru the next and so on and so on to get things off my mind so I can put everything out and I don't go do anything outside of the have to need to get mad and then just got to go do something or I will go nuts!!  And what really ends up going on is over all I don't just check out and do this like most people do the a short time for a few day that turn in to months and some cases with me years for me.  And it starts the cycle from him of "Then I stop trying to talk to him and just do what I have to to just get thru the day so I can do it all again the next day to get thru and repeat and so on(some time I even just stop trying all together to tell you the truth).  He thinks there is something wrong with me.." and this is the main cycle of what happens over the time I have been married and with my amazing husband.

With all of that is say too.  I love his so much it hurts and could and would not live with out him ever!  He is the love of my life and along with my kids the realized for breathing and getting up in the morning.  

But in the times like this I feel like shit and like I am standing here at a crossroads..   I feel like I am a fuck up like I did in school which was the hardest time of my live and hated.  So what do I do try to make the improvements to the way I have been acting and doing like hubby ends up (he will tell me he is talking to me but it is more like telling me in my mind like a kid) or do I just check out more...  and if I do that hubby gets mad and feels like he is walking around on eggshells and I will say I am feel sorry for him I know it is so hard on him too.

But I am feel at a lose of what to do with my self over any of it really.  At the time a great deal of the time in the moment I do not realize all of the things I have put out here in this post.  But Right now in this time where I brain has been "unplugged" from a lot of tv and internet mindless checking stuff I do I am at a time I am thinking clearer for the most part and it is like I can see my self from the out out side looking in a little.  Mornings have been better for me lately I think the clearest really by the end of the day I am getting tired and the first thing to go is my brain it feels like and after that nothing is coming out right at all...  and for me that is about the time of day hubby gets home and things start good for the most part but he has a very highly computer driving technically driven job and he needs to un-wind and I get that I do really.  And then I am needing so start dinner, kids are home, time for home work, make sure they get clean and ready for school the next day, I am getting more tired brained(and like my dyslexia for me the A.D.D. gets worse the more tired and or stressed I am and it does not have to be big stress it is the lot of little type adding up that seems to be worse for me) by this time and when hubby is in his un-winding time as I feel he has a right to do and I do understand him needing as well.  I take the stress on my self of "doing it all by my self" to give him what he needs and should have at the same time I let it hurt and cause me problems because that is all I know and don't want and feel I should not burden him with anymore that he is already taken on be the only one being on money working and paying for everything as a family unit.

So again with all of that said... I am changing to I different part of my tough train here because I am setting here crying over this because it all really does weight on my heart a lot all at the same time...  I need to stop crying so I do not cause my self to get sick on top of everything I have as well asthma by the way and anytime my sinus get a lot of mucus/sinus pressure I end up with ear of sinus infections and a cycle of asthma and sinus related issues..

And sadly like the A.D.D. some people around me in my life are sure that I am just crazy of is all just in  my own head and just need to suck it up and that I am need to just get over it and out of the house more "take better care of my self" like I am some pour dumb ass what is not trying to do that at all.

 But with that say too. Not where I was trying go with my thoughts ether....  I am just going to start post  as I think it and and type it as I go and hope it makes some sense to someone I am so tried of typing out thoughts and deleting them because it is not 100% of even %60 on topic.   I lose a lot of my thought that way and feel like what is the point..   For me reading is just FUCKING HARD and as well as typing things out and has not gotten easier at the doctors told me it would as I get older.  And all anyone helpful words are "Well oh: You are just going to have to work and try harder then..."  like I am sitting here bing lazy with my finger in my ear and as it is I am try really hard....  But REALLY I don't see you ass putting in a 3rd of that so type of effert I have to just "be normal" and you say this to like you understand any of what it is like to have my problems....  Some things are just hard for me and no mater what I do...  I do get it everyone has issues a lot like I do in smaller way I am sure and yes as people tell me... We all have this it is normal an so on... the true fact to for me is my brain is not all normal I am really smart and understand more than anyone will ever know.... Deep Breath...   to calm down...   I will say I work so hard to "just be normal" that no one really one knows all of me I feel and 99% of people see very little of my issues that are my own to deal with... not even my husband realize how much and or what I am really internalizing here to be like everyone else and "just be normal".  

One I have been told all of life from birth the following things form doctors, loved ones, people who where are supposed to teach me and or have guidance to help me and the following things have been said to my face:

You are lazy,

You are not trying,

You are stupid,

Why can't you spell that word it is simple(if I could pull in out of my head right now would I be asking you really think about that here... No I am do this to just fuck with you...NOT),

You are crazy,

There is something wrong with you, just be normal(like i want to have the issues and like it or something.. REALLY and you kidding me),

There is nothing wrong with you and get over it,

Just do it and get in over with the only thing wrong with you is in your lazy,

You are not trying,

Stop being stupid(why anyone would ever say this to anyone is beyond me really but yes an adult say this to me as a child this one really hurt to),

A non-said thing that I still get all the time the eye roll and looking at me like I have three head and stupid with I need to ask how do you spell and or could you spell ____ thing for me.(to not show how it really makes me feel I make a joke of blame it in something silly like I am having a day and my brain is fried...),

Why should I have to remind you about this you are a adult and grow up(things slip my mind so much and so bad if I don't do or something thing when I think it.. It is gone for forget and then when I get someone saying this to me...  I just act like and say "oh ok sorry haha got busy and forgot and act dumb about it  all the way around when I am thinking I am so fucking stupid and when they get mad I ether act like I am stupid or if it is not let go then I start getting short and end up fussing with them),

Grow up,

Act your age you are a grown adult here,

and too many things to recall right now with out letting "it" get to me... and crying about how it hurt or hurts me.

But to be able to get this all out in a post and out of my head because I have choked down/ back this and so much my whole life and just internalizing everything because it is what everyone seems to want me to do when I was a kid so that is how I learned to be and am now...   I am just letting it all out how I am thinking it and try to only fix miss spelled works and little typos my brain see and basic grammar is the word I am looking for here(not sure off the top of my head right now ok).  I am sure I sound really crazy and I am a little at this point I feel it is like word vomit and if I just stop or hold it in anymore I am going to lose me mind and have a breakdown..    So I am typing this out for me in a rare time of clarity I am in right now and Thank You if you are still reading this lol I am sure it has not one been easy or if anyone will ever understand the post in the first place.  

But I think with all of this choked down/ back and just internalizing everything is cause a lot of things staying on my mind, most placed angry and seems to lead to me being in "crazy land" as I call it and with all that like a computer hard drive that gets full of stuff and it can't go any where and so it stays there and operation system starts having problems.  That is where I am right now well that is what it feels like anyway..   I will I could tell all of this to my husband but with me when I let things out truly let them out like this they don't weight on my heart and mind anymore and like a bird they are gone in to the sky free.  This is one reason I am even on to post it on my blog and not keep it as a draft of just delete it after I am done here typing.

 With at said I am turning 31 on 29th of april and my wish for this year of my life is this to just be let people see me for everything that I am good or bad.  "let my freak flag fly" as is where..  And be the me out side my head in person that I am inside.  I feel the need to "match" and be all me I can't live this way anymore.

I am so tired of feeling like the fuck up and like shit and I tell you it is hard to have a thicker skin when so much  you hold in and think and bet you self up so much for everything I thinking that is my biggest problem all in all.  It might even be why "I can't keep it together" lately and coming done and having the issue and problems in my life lately.   Feel like I can not think strait at all and can't "find a footing" in life and breath some times(lol I have asthma but not like that type lol more like the feeling not like the medical way lol) and I scream so loud in my head I am now deafened in "my minds ears".   I feel like just saying fuck life and not getting out of bed..    But I know I can't do this and would never really want to because I know that is now the asker!  

I saw I tattoo in pinterest that said this and it is so right too.

Oh and on the that topic a set if word that have been getting me throw lately is this and I want them tattooed in my wrist to help me to not be afraid/ fear my journey of "With at said I am turning 31 on 29th of april and my wish for this year of my life is this to just be let people see me for everything that I am good or bad.  "let my freak flag fly" as is where..  And be the me out side my head in person that I am inside.  I feel the need to "match" and be all me I can't live this way anymore." I am am on this coming year of live.  I want to get where I "feel" I should be in life and in like I am sad for what I did not or could not do for what ever reason there was at the time or just from fear of what ever it is!

The quote is:
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
  • Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear. 

The tattoo I want is this well one like it but closer and just under my hand. 

I feel like all in all it is a good reminder in my wish for journey I want for my self this year!  I think I NEED some that is with me for the reason of my life to be a good reminder of fear even the little stupid things I let stop me from doing more than I ever should.   I know it will hurt and everything that comes with tattooing something to the skin but this is worth it to me.  I want it with all that I am and being I feel I need this reminder more that I know I how to put in to words here. 

LOL the end of this one I need to get on with my day now that what is weighting on me today is gone. I feel 100,000,000,000,000 pounds liter lol. 

Tanya Starr Wood

PS: Thank You for reading this if you got this far lol and can understand this I am not going back to re-read this or I might just delete it...  And I know the trip thru my head and words are not an easy one here.   But I again this is not put out there for anyone other than my self and I hope my crazy random ramblings here help someone at least one then it was worth the time to post it even more than just for my self and own piece of mind if you know what I mean.  I wish people would realize there words hurt even if they are coming from a place of think of helping and not everyone "fits" in the normal mold in a great % of people and that some people are just different and work and brains are just different and work in a way you will most likely never understand unless you are the same way your self.  There is a big difference in how you brain works and no amount is just ____ will help it is talk Attention Deficit Disorder for a reason but it is more that a mind problem physical parts to it and the person or meds can really change and you will still just have to deal with it and will be dealing with the issues one way or a other for there whole life in matter what and no matter how bad they just want to be "normal" and or like "everyone else" like the world tells you should be.   Food for thought anyway I think wanted to leave you with that.  Please learn to understand something and not ASS-U-ME oh it is ____ and what ever it is. Learn and try to go to people around you with understanding and a open mind in two issues problem of any type and the same.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I got a Campaign from bzz agent  and I can't wait to try it.  My hair could use some volume and I love trying new hair things!! Here somethings that the Campaign page said!!

Women know — fine hair isn’t all that fine when it’s falling flat. And almost every hair type could benefit from some texture and lift. Thankfully, göt2b POWDER’ful was created with your hair’s best interests in mind. The innovative volumizing styling powder instantly takes hair to new heights, delivering pronounced volume, radical root lift, amazing texture and flexible control. All in just 10 seconds!
Formulated with virtually weightless micro-particles, this salon-quality powder texturizes the surface of your hair, creating maximum volume at your roots. There’s no powdery residue or stiffness, just the freedom to create modern, edgy ‘dos with an undeniable wow factor. Apply anytime, anywhere for an immediate transformation. Hello, hair envy!

Here is what I got from göt2b web page!

                                                    10 seconds 2 volume!

  • göt2b POWDER'ful styling powder

    volumizing STYLING POWDER

    Take your volume to new heights with göt2b POWDER’ful volumizing STYLING POWDER. This is the latest cool find to instantly volumize your hair. And guess what, it’s a powder! What got2b volumizing STYLING POWDER does is so cool, you have never seen anything like it. It’s so easy to have amazing volume in an instant with no tools needed. The revolutionary weightless formula texturizes each hair strand to create maximum volume- in an instant!

    POWDER’ful: Shake a small amount into your palm and rub your hands together. You’ll see the powder disappear but you’ll still feel it on your hands. Distribute into dry hair, focusing on the roots for an instant root boost and volume.
    X-tra tip: For an even bigger volume boost, shake the powder directly into your hair, using your fingers to work it in and create big volumized styles.

    All in all I have not gotten a chance to try it but I can't wait too and will do a new post with pictures after I do!  :)  Thanks bzz agent  :) 

Children’s Claritin® and www.bzzagent.com has done a campaign!


So it’s really no surprise that every year, two million school days are missed due to seasonal allergies and indoor allergens such as dust, mold and pet dander. Furthermore, the effects of allergies can be much more significant than a lost day of school:
  • Symptoms during the day can impede focus
  • Symptoms at night can cause sleep loss and lead to daytime drowsiness

Fortunately, non-drowsy anti-histamines like Children’s Claritin® Grape Chewables can help provide all-day relief from runny noses, itchy, watery eyes and other allergy symptoms.


Children’s Claritin® is the only over-the-counter children’s brand that provides powerful 24 hour relief for a child’s worst seasonal and indoor allergy symptoms, without making them jittery or drowsy.1 What’s more, it’s the #1 Pediatrician Recommended Non-Drowsy Brand! Here’s how the product has helped one family:
“My now 6 year old has seasonal allergies. What a relief it is to have Children's Claritin Chewables for her to take. No fighting to take her medicine because it tastes good. Her allergy symptoms are controlled and she likes taking the Claritin. Thank you for a great product!” - BzzAgent Aviatrix18
To learn more about managing your child’s allergies, visitclaritin.com.
1 Among leading OTC brands

This is what I page bzzagent page said and I wanted to share it!  
I used it with my 6 year old girl and she has been fussy, sleepy, mad and angry and so on and had beed coughing off and on too.  I thought it was just a part of her age thing.   I got the sample and started her on it and I got to say WOW she is a whole different kid.   She is happier, sweeter and my helpful kid again!  I am so happy with her change.  She is doing so much better all the way around.  

My 10 year old son Claritin works but for him it does not help all of his problems with allergies so it was not the good fit for him.  

I love being a apart of bzz agent and have loved the things I have gotten to try because to them!  They is my own findings!    

The thing on my mind today! 04/23/13

Well Being a A.D.D. and Dyslexic person and mother it is like having "1000 channels" and your brain trying to watch them all and most of the time I can for the most part on my own.  But you throw kids and husband in to the mix and there "channels" to my already "1000 channels" I have going I often feel  my brain is over loaded.

My 10 year old son in a super smart kid and asks a 100,000,000 questions a day tests the highest in his class and he is so bored in class.  My 6 year old girl who started school this year K-5 is showing signs of being like her brother and crossing fingers no signs of dyslexia but she asks another 100,000,000 questions too.  I love that this are so smart like me and my awesome Husband of 12 years who is my greatest love and help to my life!

I bring them up for this reason.   That adds to my brains "clutter" and for me when I get stopped in what I am do at the time two things happen for me!  I can not seem to get back in to what I was doing again and or "get side tracked" and or then get upset, mad or feel frustrated what ever the moment is like and fits if you know what I mean.   So over the last few years I stopped trying and feel sad or something because in the back of my head I feel what is the point I suck(issue from childhood with mean kids picking on me) and unless...  So I "check out" in to TV or the Internet(yes and doing and watching both at the same time) mindlessly searching craft site for ideas.  Now it is 4 years of doing this a greater deal of the time and I find my self realizing something.  I started to believe the mean kids stuff form my childhood and now since I spent so much of my time "numbing" my brain my husband and everyone around me treat me like I am stupid now.  And it hurts so to not over think about this and get sad and mad about it.. I go back to"numbing" my brain and waste more of my life just getting from one day to the next and not really making plans not looking forward to anything a greater deal of the time.  And guess what I still end up in the cycle of angry, sadness and just being there but not there at all(if you know what I mean by that) and then my amazing husband starts asking are you ok and saying there  is something wrong with you and goes on to tell me how I have been over X amount of time and that makes me feel like shit even more over all because I am already in this "cycle of angry, sadness and just being there but not there at all" I don't realizes at the time why I am doing this and I just end up getting worse and so on I am sure if you are still reading this you ether feel the same way of might know what I mean or even someone like this too.

With that all said I unplugged my brain as of last week out of my TV and set pattern of  "numbing" my brain I have set to just get throw the day.  I stopped watching tv for the biggest part of the day and trying to put Facebook down too as much as I can and pinterest too I will find my self on them all day and get nothing done at all and then it is time to get my kids and try to get things done that have to be done for the next day.   But with unplugged my brain from the things I just talked about I am starting to come out of this brainless fog I have going and I am starting to think again.  With me being a over thinking at times I am feeling like I am driving my self a little crazy at times with little stupid $hit but over all I feel better and starting to be able to clear my head and get stuff done.  But the hurt part right now is spending so much time in the state I did my body has gotten fat(I have gained 40 pounds over the past 5 years) my mind has not been used to its full potential so I feel like I did in school when they first realized I was A.D.D. and Dyslexic in first grade.  And to top it off like 100,000,000,000 of other people who did not have or know what it is like to live with this problem/ problems I do my awesome husband had no real idea what A.D.D. and Dyslexia is and how it does as you age since he does my live throw it for him self.  Like a person who has never lived with of around a people in a wheel chair he has no clue how it all works and with "real" helps me in the long run so he whats in the way he knows how which is not a way all the time that helps me in a positive way for me(I state me because even if he means it in a positive way it does not alway end up positive for me in the end and end up just making the snowballing cycle of angry, sadness and just being there but not there at all worse and he just does not know it or ever meaning to do this I am very sure of) but again when you don't truly understand something and a good deal of the time even when people try to tell people what it is like they just will never get it fully over all.

With this all said again back the my mean point and why I want to make this post....  I am turning 31 yes that is right I am a women telling her real age I goodness right lol! I turn 31 on April 29 of this year(2013) and I have come to this conclusion I can't live this way anymore at all.  I can't live just getting from one day to the next wasting my life setting and wishing I can or could do something.  I wanted to get to school to doing something with my life to have and find my place in the world of work and be this awesome powder I know I am and can be.  But I am so far down the "rabbit whole" as it where I have no idea where to start and what I could even do about it....    and a little more back story here I was put in to resource after I did not pass first grade and they realized I had the issues I have and sadly in the state if TN in high school as of my end of my 9th grade year all resource became uncredited and all my reading, sciences and math in high school after that I have no credited for those things and was told when I had to go talk to the guidance counselor to "talk about collage" and or the AF they had to nerve to tell me it is to hard for you and you should do something easier and on your level looking at what you got here in your records here no good collage would take you and would do you no good hun.  Needless to say was floored by this and said nothing to the person and thanked them and walked to the closest girls bathroom and cried for an hour about even so called adult and leaders of a young mind could say that to someone in my place!  After that I left the bather room after fixing my face and chocked the feelings down and never told anyone ever until now(not even my husband who I want to high school with and he has no clue ether).   I did not let if help me to prove them wrong as I most like should have I let it rule and win and get in my head that they are right I guess.   So 12 to 13 years later I feel like shut and stuck...

By the way I have a beautiful family who I LOVE with all of who I am and these feeling have nothing to day with that ever.  I would not wish to change anything about them and on second of the amazing life I have with them and everything they have done with and for me!  The whole post is about my thoughts and feelings and things I am thinking right now and needing to put it out in to the world and maybe someone could get help from my crazy A.D.D. and Dyslexic ramblings here or in hopes some day I can find my way into finding what my thing and patch is in this big old world.

Thanks for reading this
Tanya Starr Wood!

I leave you with this if you have no idea what Dyslexia is like I felt this and still do a greater part of the time!

What's It Like Being Dyslexic? video watch and list

Good info and something to think about really!
Adults with A.D.D. video Stop and watch and listen

Stop and think about it really!
Adult ADD/ADHD Documentary

later side note I just came out with after thinking about what I posted and found the videos!(about an hour and post posts on different topics later lol).

In my own head I am screaming like everyone else does at me in my life Just be and "act normal", "what is wrong with you" , "get in done" , "shut up and color" , "there is nothing really wrong with you anyway", "your just lazy" , "you don't have A.D.D. and Dyslexia you are like every other person that just does not do something" and so on.  The fact is I was diagnosed by a doctor the summer after I did not pass first grade and given meds to help and I took them get up to 6th grade my mom stopped getting them so I went off them that summer and not used them since.  I did get thru middle and high school and pass by the skin of my teeth.  I am not sure what to do or say I feel like I am spinning my wheels here and no one who really believes me in this and the fact it is real and so on....  So no idea what to do about is I am turning 31 and feel like shut about my self.  I feel worthless, useless, and just that mom who is just get thru the day everyday just to get to the next.  I don't want to feel this way anymore....  

After finding these video and watch them and I feel a little better but still crying as I type this last bit out!  I feel like I did that day a guidance counselor to "talk about collage" said the things she did to me. I wish I know what to do here I really do!  

Oh more back story I was tested for everything too the summer I was found to have the learning issues for IQ well I am not trying to show off and say I am smarter than anyone really!   My cousin  who is 10 months younger and was a strait A+ kid and I got tested the same day in different rooms for IQ and so on he tested out at 145 to 159 range and me with my learning issues and did not pass first grade that school year I tested at 180's.  He was so mad and called me stupid to his mom when did not think I could hear and he was upset and could not understand why I did better than him.  

So all in all I guess I feel more like most of the time a person stuck in trapped in my own head and can't get out sometime!  I feel like I know what the poor person who's bodes don't work well and do what they need them to do and are disabled but there minds are work great it is just there bodies that are not working right.  And people treat them like they are lesser than and or just in the way.   I said I know what it is like but I still am a out side looking in on that too I guess.  But I hear and see people treating them like that and I am feel anger for the people mistreating the differently able people!

So all in all I feel like at the end of this post I person who's stuck in here own mind and body that lets me down in the fact I am so smart and should be able "to do" things but end up like the coyote from looney tunes when the acme safe falls on or other acme things cause him to hurt him self with.   When my mind is not able to work hard and being pushed to learn I found my self feeling like I have posted about here!!  It does not help when I get treated like I am stupid and crazy ether.    Thanks I again for reading on of more of my ramblings.   lol and I will say Computer things the MacBook pro I am using and I am typing on have been a god send for the Dyslexia parts things do movie around less but the soft  wear and the way it works have help with learning, spelling and reading for me.  Might be one of the reason my husband thinks I am nut and not A.D.D. and Dyslexia!  lol   :-/