With this all said here is my what is on my mind. I have only made around minimum wage(thankfully never worked in fast food) and I got married right out of high school so I have only had less than 4 to 5 different jobs in my life and no real job skills and I am 28 years old with 2 loving kids who I have loved watching grow, change and are turning in to some really great little people.
But what I keep thinking if I started working,
What could I do?
What would I be good at?
Could or would I find something to pay what I would need to make it worth it?
Would I have to work in a minimum wage die end job for the rest of my life?
Could I go back to school at 28 years married with 2 kids?
And would it be worth it?
Have I just reached and passed the best part of my life and it is all down hill from here?
Do I miss out on my chance at being usefully in the world?
Do I still have a chance to try usefully?
What do I do when both kids start school?
Will I fell?
Why should I try?
Maybe I should just give up and get fat and spend my days unhappy and waiting for the end!
And then I tell my self no I have no idea what but I well be good at something I am only 28 years old and I am not die yet. WHAT CAN I DO AND WHERE DO I START WITH IT!?!?!?!? PLEASE GOD SOMEONE HELP GIVE ME A CULE ON THIS ONE! I am all the end of my rope and my youngest starts school next year and I will be left at home alone with no idea of what to do with my self!