Who is Recyclebank?
We’re a group of passionate people that believes…
An individual has the power to change the world. A united community is more powerful than the sum of its parts. The world is at its best when none of its elements go to waste. More importantly, we’re a group of passionate people that makes these things happen every day. And it’s all through one pretty simple approach: You take small actions. We give you everyday rewards. The world gets greener.
Whether you pledge to use less energy, increase your at-home recycling or even just learn how you can increase the green in your home and neighborhood, we’ll reward you through grocery store savings, drugstore coupons, and discounts on the brands you buy every day. This way, you reap the rewards of not only brightening your community and helping your environment, but also truly benefit from meaningful savings.
Get your schools to go green
Rewards are that much better when they’re shared. Especially when that sharing is through knowledge, that’s passed on to the next generation.
Through our Green Schools Program,we use rewards to power classroom lessons about the environment to show your neighborhood kids how even the smallest deed can lead to big changes for their fellow students; their parents, teachers and neighbors; and the world they live and play in every day.
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We reward you where you shop. Generally, that means right where you live through the local businesses you know and trust. You help your local economy. You help unify your neighborhood. You help brighten your community. All while keeping a few more bucks in your pocket through rewards.